How do I start using Rollux Mainnet?

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Join the ecosystem that is securing Web3 with Bitcoin and scaling EVM for widespread adoption.

To start using the variety of apps across DeFi, NFT, Gaming, and more on Rollux you'll need a wallet with some SYS to cover transaction costs.

New to crypto, no problem! It only takes 3 steps:

  1. Download a wallet

  2. Add Rollux to your wallet (optional)

  3. Fund your wallet with SYS

Keep reading for more detailed steps!

# Step 1 - Download a wallet

Your wallet is like your universal account — instead of creating new accounts on every website, just connect your wallet to use apps on Rollux. Wallets allow you to store digital assets like SYS and interact with apps.

There are a lot of different wallets available.

If you're new to Rollux, the recommended wallets from the community are:

Pali Wallet (opens new window) (Mobile (iOS, Android), and browser extension (Chrome, Firefox))
Metamask (opens new window) (Mobile (iOS, Android), and browser extension (Chrome, Firefox))

# Step 2 - Add the Rollux Network to your wallet

You can skip this step if you choose to install and use Pali Wallet! For other wallets like MetaMask, you can add the Rollux network by following this guide.

# Step 3 - Fund your wallet with SYS

There are three main options to get SYS into your Rollux wallet:

# Fiat on-ramp

You can get SYS on-demand with your credit/debit card, or other legacy payment methods.

# Centralized exchange

You can buy SYS from a growing list of centralized exchanges that support the Rollux network.

When you withdraw your SYS from any of the above exchanges, select Rollux as the network you are withdrawing to and provide your wallet address that begins with "0x".


For the easiest centralized exchange experience, use one of the above exchanges that let you withdraw SYS directly to Rollux.


Some exchanges offer SYS but do not yet support the Rollux network. You can get SYS from those too but you will need to move it to Rollux yourself.


KuCoin (opens new window) only supports withdrawing SYS to Syscoin NEVM. To get your KuCoin SYS onto Rollux, see section "Bridge your SYS to Rollux from Syscoin NEVM" below for instructions.

Binance (opens new window) only supports withdrawing SYS to Syscoin UTXO. See section "Bridge your SYS to Rollux from Syscoin UTXO" below for instructions.

A full list of SYS exchanges with the networks they support is available on Syscoin's Get SYS (opens new window) page.

# Bridge your SYS to Rollux from Syscoin NEVM

Follow this tutorial to get started using Rollux Portal. It makes it easy to move your SYS (or other digital assets) from Syscoin NEVM to Rollux!

# Bridge your SYS to Rollux from Syscoin UTXO

Once your SYS is in Pali Wallet (browser extension, not mobile), you can use the Syscoin Bridge (opens new window) to move your SYS to Syscoin NEVM. Once your SYS is on NEVM, proceed to the Rollux Portal (opens new window) to move your SYS to Rollux.

# Got SYS in your Rollux wallet? You're all set!

Congrats! 🎉 You're set up to use Rollux.
Now explore the Rollux ecosystem (opens new window)!

# Rollux Mainnet network details

Some wallets might require you to enter network details manually. If you need those details for Rollux Mainnet, they are as follows:

Field Content
Network Name Rollux Mainnet
RPC server
Chain ID 570
Coin name SYS

Please note: These network details are for end-users, not for production systems like application backends. If you are project that needs to integrate Rollux Mainnet, go here for a list of providers such as Ankr

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